Photo Credit: Don Wilson
Puebla, México
Photo Credit: Ariceli Alfaro
Christina is a Doctoral Candidate in Sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles. During the 2023 - 2024 school year, they were a Visiting Research Scholar at the Center for Place, Culture, and Politics and a Scholar-in-Residence at the Center for LGBTQ Studies within CUNY’s Graduate Center.
Christina was raised in Los Angeles by migrants from Mexico and El Salvador. She grew up painting, reading fantasy, playing music, and watching too much TV.
Christina graduated from Princeton in 2015. While there, they held campus jobs, worked for the LGBTQ community both on and off campus, and advocated for undocumented immigrants by lobbying Congress, mentoring students, raising scholarship funds, and more. After graduation and before graduate school, Christina worked for Youth UpRising—a non-profit in East Oakland, California that aims to ameliorate the effects of historical disinvestment through education, employment, leadership, and artistic opportunities for youth.
These days, Christina is a multi-method seeker, writer, creator, mindfulness student, and budding pleasure activist with many interests. You can find some of those interests listed on their research page and a sampling of others listed here: dancing | swimming | music | time and space traveling | podcasts | delicious goods | meditation | beaches | curating spatial moods for friends | emancipatory futures. When not traveling for work or play, she lives with Ari—her partner/ B.F.F.—and two cats (Lalo & Cande).